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Is MUDMASKY® really 100% natural?

MUDMASKY® only uses ingredients that come from natural resources. All ingredients are skin-friendly. This does not mean that some ingredients, such as polysorbate 20, are not (synthetically) modified. We use less than 3% modified ingredients. The reason we have to use these ingredients is that it is theoretically impossible to use a substitute for this ingredient.

Is MUDMASKY® vegan?

Mudmasky® products are not tested on animals, but not all Mudmasky® products are 100% vegan. The product page shows which products are 100% vegan.

Is MUDMASKY® organic?

All MUDMASKY products are made from natural ingredients. Most of these ingredients are organic. However, we do not advertise that they are organic. Nowadays, the term "organic" is used by many skincare companies, but the meaning of this term is rather vague. Unlike food, consumers in the skincare industry are not protected if the term 'organic' is (mis)used on a product. Read more about the term organic.

Where are the MUDMASKY® masks made?

MUDMASKY® masks are manufactured in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Has MUDMASKY® been tested on animals?

Absolutely not! MUDMASKY® is not tested on animals, we are big advocates of cruelty-free methods of safety testing. MUDMASKY® is also PETA certified.

Do any of the MUDMASKY® products contain parabens?

No. MUDMASKY® is free from parabens and sulphates.

Why are MUDMASKY® products more expensive than conventional drugstore brands?

We formulate our masks with high-quality, natural ingredients that are simply more expensive.

How do i know if MUDMASKY® products are right for me?

MUDMASKY is formulated to be friendly to everyone! We want to make you feel loved and cared for. Therefore, anyone can use MUDMASKY®, regardless of age, gender, skin type or skin colour. We always recommend a patch test before using any skin care product. In addition, the Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask is designed to detoxify the skin, which we believe should not be used by anyone under the age of 10. Learn more about how to do a patch test.

How do I know if MUDMASKY® face masks are safe to use?

Consumer safety is our priority. All MUDMASKY® products are manufactured in the Netherlands. We produce our products according to the highest industry standards. MUDMASKY® is tested by an independent company called Balis Micro BV, based in the Netherlands.

Where do I store my MUDMASKY® products?

Store MUDMASKY® products in a dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight, extreme heat or severe cold. This way the natural ingredients cannot react or become active and you can guarantee the freshness of the ingredients.

How often can I use the products and how can I combine them?

You can use any MUDMASKY® product daily, with the exception of the Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask and the Serum-Infused Eye Mask. It is also possible to mix and/or layer the leave-me-on masks.

Can I use MUDMASKY® during pregnancy?

You can definitely use MUDMASKY® during pregnancy and pamper yourself with it! However, the Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask, the Morning Boost Mask and the Serum-Infused Eye Mask are the masks we should not use too often. During this time, your body produces more hormones and detoxifies and protects itself, among other things. The clay doesn't have to help too much.

Which masks can I use under the eyes?

All masks are "eye-safe" except the 3-in-1 hair mask.

What is the shelf life of MUDMASKY®?

We use a tube with a so-called EVOH barrier. This is exclusively for MUDMASKY® masks. This tube guarantees the freshness of the ingredients (including the antioxidants) for 12 months after opening. MUDMASKY® masks are made from natural ingredients, so they will respond to extreme heat or cold. MUDMASKY® masks must be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight to maximise the life and effectiveness of the product.

Can I use the Leave-me-on winter masks in the summer months?

It is possible to use a Leave-me-on Seasonal Mask whenever you want, but it is not practical.

Where should I apply the Aftermask Vitamin Serum?

Apply this mask all over your face, including under your eyes and, if you like, on your neck. This also applies to our leave-me-on masks.

Can MUDMASKY® masks be combined with other brands?

It is advisable to use one skincare brand's range of products, but overall, yes.